Sponsors & Exhibitors

Supporting Organizations

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology provides a wealth of infection prevention updates and materials for healthcare facilities, as well as offering a variety of educational resources and certification programs. The Association has built an international network of professionals in healthcare, infection control, and outpatient services, allowing members to interact and learn with colleagues about infection prevention on a global scale. While providing members with regular educational opportunities and timely updates related to industry best practices, the Association offers members access to evidence-based best practices and updated case studies. Among the variety of programs offered, courses and materials are tailored to the individual needs of members and detailed to specific facility requirements. Programs provide members with access to the necessary tools needed in developing effective Infection Prevention Control programs.

The Certification Board of Infection Control & Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC®) is a voluntary, autonomous, multidisciplinary board that provides direction for and administers the certification process for professionals in infection control and applied epidemiology. CBIC is independent and separate from any other infection control-related organization or association, but does collaborate with three partner organizations (APIC, IPAC, and IFIC) to help promote the importance of being certified in infection prevention and control (CIC®).